Slick design for a witi is a bonus.
The objective is to provide helpful and clear, hopefully unique, information.
My name is Gary Young and I’m a programmer developer
wishing to add to the zing in our web.
In the beginning I had a specific topic I wanted to present and the established conventions,
blogs and wiki, with their broad utility, were loose fits.
Hence I began to make notes on the characteristics I feel are needed,
and the form and witi name came quickly. With a whole lotta luck,
I’m hoping I can dap a sluice in the web with concept witi.
My initial plan was to write about a daily hobby that I unexpectedly had to abandon.
Instead I've created a modest, less weighty, fly witi.
Eventually, I’ll resume with smallish ones on the scale of this witi witi.
So it’s guaranteed there will be at least a
few witii!